What Should You Do When Someone Gives You A Cheap Gift?

Gift-giving has always been a relevant tradition in most societies, and it carries a form of significance throughout history. People give gifts to show respect, appreciation, and love. Since there are deep values ingrained in gift-giving, people always feel anxious when deciding what gift to give out during a holiday season or a special occasion. Giving a cheap gift may create a negative feeling in many people. However, it’s essential to appreciate the present no matter how affordable it is because the price of a gift doesn’t reflect its value. Therefore, when gifted a cheap gift, you should appreciate the thought and understand that it may have more value than an expensive gift.

Do Cheap Gifts Mean High Value?

The act of gifting comes with sentimental value overriding the actual cost of the gift. Cheap gifts might mean more to people, especially if the gift was solely picked with the person’s personality in mind. An expensive gift does not have a narrow audience meaning that it is not unique and any person could get it. Therefore, when you think that you have bought someone an extravagant gift, it may not be significant to them. For instance, buying a shell necklace will mean the world to someone who loves the beach and shells, and although this gift may be cheap, its value is more significant than its price. But if you buy an expensive iPad for someone who is not technology savvy, they may end up not using it because, to them, it’s just like any ordinary gift. A cheap gift can resonate with the giftee more than the iPad would. Therefore, an expensive gift is best reserved for a functional item that may help someone’s lifestyle.

Do Cheap Gifts In Exchange Create Less Guilt?

When people associate a gift’s value with its cost, they forget the importance of gift-giving in the first place. In this case, the gift only becomes a personal item. When one person expects to receive from another during exchanges, gifting costly items may make you seem like a conniving person. If someone buys you a cheap gift, they do not expect to receive an expensive gift, and if you give them that expensive gift, you will make them feel bad because you are setting a bar that they will be forced to stay above.

Is Giving Cheap Gifts Shameful?

Ultimately, if you wonder what to do when you get a cheap gift, you should remember that inexpensive gifts also have value. As long as someone gives you a unique gift, you shouldn’t feel bad about it that they didn’t spend a lot of money on your gift. When someone gifts you, it shows that they care about you, and you should remember that it’s the thought that goes into that gift selection that matters, not the cost.

A Brief Guide To Etiquette In Gift-Giving

Everyone has their rules for gift-giving; however, it’s essential to follow some rules and etiquette. Although situations may be different, you should consider the appropriate gifting etiquette in a workplace, birthday, dinner parties, etc.

During holidays, gift-giving is common, although it is not mandatory. Most times, people give gifts without expecting the same in return. These gifts act as thoughtful gestures and a way to appreciate someone. Nonetheless, if you would like to return the favor, you should have a small assortment of gifts set aside for that purpose. The items may include scarfs, holiday ornaments, chocolates, etc.

When gift-giving, you should ensure that you spend the amount you are more comfortable with and not buy something that’s way above your budget because someone is spending more on your gift. Sometimes you may feel compelled to gift an item equal in value to what you receive. It isn’t easy to assess the value of a gift, and in most cases, people do not care about the monetary value of the gifts. It’s the thought that goes along with your gift, which is typically more important.

Be Culturally Aware

Before you gift someone, ensure that you understand their traditions to avoid embarrassing yourself or offending the recipient. Also, keep in mind that history repeats itself meaning that sometimes when you start the culture of gifting someone, it may continue indefinitely. Once you begin the gift-giving tradition, you may find it hard to end it.

Show Appreciation

When you receive a gift, no matter how cheap or expensive it is, you should always show your appreciation whether you like that gift or not. Show appreciation by smiling and thanking the gift giver. You can also call the person to thank them if the gift reaches you via a parcel. Showing appreciation is another way of cultivating your relationship with that person.

Avoid Asking People what they want.

Unless you want to gift a family member or a close friend, you should avoid asking people what they would like as a gift for an occasion. Asking the recipient to name what they want will make them feel uncomfortable and lack creativity.

Never Show Up To A Party At Someone’s Home Empty-Handed

Any party or occasion you attend must be accompanied by a gift, no matter how small it is. Showing up empty-handed shows rudeness and disrespect. Carry with you some scented candles, dessert, or a bottle of wine for the host.

Gifts Don’t Always Have To Be Pricey.

When attending a housewarming party, you should carry something small and thoughtful as a gift. You do not need to spend much on the gift as a simple potted plant or cheese board will make a difference. You can spend around $20 on a housewarming gift. Remember that with gifting, the thought counts and not the dollars that went into it.

Avoid re-Gifting

When people receive a gift that they already have or don’t want, they may be tempted to regift, but this act can be exceedingly hurtful to the person who gave that gift to you. You can donate the present or give it away instead of re-gifting. If you have to re-gift in secrecy, ensure that the gift is in good condition and not customized. You should also ensure that the original giver will never find out about the re-gifting.

Types Of Inconsiderate Gifts

Giving a cheap gift is not inconsiderate as long as the gift has value. However, there are some types of gifts that can be inconsiderate, which you should avoid.

Confrontational Gifts

People give confrontational gifts to send a message. Confrontational gifts may not go well with the recipient as they may feel disrespected. For instance, giving your childless daughter-in-law a pregnancy test as a Christmas gift may be confrontational.

Selfish Gifts

A selfish gift benefits the giver more than the recipient. This type of gift-giving is present in most relationships, for instance, gifting someone something they may not need or use because you will use it more in the relationship.

Aggressive Gifts

An aggressive gift is explicitly meant to offend. The gift is sent with bad intentions, and the recipient may notice the ill intentions the minute they receive the gift.

Obligatory Gifts

An obligatory gift is given because others are gifting. Hence, you do not wait to be left out during the occasion. Obligatory gifts are meant to check a box and are given randomly without thinking about what the recipient likes or wants. They are given when someone feels the need to gift but not to please the recipient.

Competitive Gifts

This is where most expensive gifts come into play. Some people give expensive and competitive gifts to brag or out-gift another person. If you want to outdo everyone else’s gift during an occasion by buying an expensive and lavish gift, then you are a competitive gift giver.

Insulting Gifts To Avoid Giving

Before you give out a gift, you should think about how the other person will see the gift. The act of gift-giving should be a positive experience for the giver and the recipient regardless of the setting. Here are some insulting gifts you should avoid.

Put Down Gift-if the recipient is struggling with an issue, for instance, weight, depression, etc., you should avoid giving a gift hinting at these topics. Find something neutral to offer so they don’t feel offended.

Self-help Books-self help books may send a wrong message, especially when the recipient needs emotional, psychological, or physical help.

Personal Hygiene Items-never embarrasses the recipient in front of people by giving them a personal hygiene item, especially when you think they have an individual hygiene problem such as sweaty armpits or nose hairs.

Secondhand Gifts-if the occasion is not a white elephant party where people bring items they want to dispose of, you should avoid gifting secondhand items as they are inappropriate. You can regift items, but avoid the personalized ones or those that have been opened.


Giving good gifts is an art as a perfect gift can lift the recipient’s mood and improve relationships. Perfect gifts can also repair wrongdoing and remind the recipient that you care. This is why the cost of a gift does not matter, like the thought that goes into it.

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